Begin your exploration of mindfulness

Start/Develop/Enhance a mindfulness practice
1-on-1 Mindfulness Therapy and Training

Individualized one-to-one mindfulness training, coaching and support

Explore mindfulness in depth in collaboration with an experienced teacher

CMI’s one-to-one mindfulness training allows you to partner with highly-skilled mindfulness teachers with decades of experience. Your mindfulness coach will collaborate with you to build a mindfulness practice toolkit adapted to your needs and abilities and offer options and guidance for the obstacles that inevitably arise with this kind of learning. CMI’s teachers are knowledgeable and experienced with a range of “secular” evidence-based mindfulness training programs like Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), but are also deeply steeped in the 2,500 year tradition that forms the basis for these “modern” forms of mindfulness education.

Why mindfulness?

The simple practice of paying attention in the present moment has a profound potential to enhance our wellbeing and offer us greater ease in our lives. Awareness is essential in looking at what needs to change and actively making the course corrections that lead to greater wellbeing.

When we don’t know what is happening in our experience – mental, physical, emotional and/or behavioral – it is easy to fall into and act out of old ways of thinking, feeling and behaving that are no longer supportive or productive. At some point, our old ways of doing things just don’t work anymore. With mindful awareness, we can more clearly see unskillful or distressing thoughts, feelings and/or behavior. Once we are aware, we can work to change them for greater resilience, flexibility, and peace.

Mindfulness coaching for greater resilience and well-being

With Cascadia Mindfulness Institute teachers, you can be sure that you have the most experienced mindfulness practitioners in the region. When choosing a mindfulness teacher or coach, it is essential that the provider is extensively trained, deeply experienced and has a strong personal practice. Mindfulness can transform understanding, but it is also a remarkable process of actually re-wiring the brain. Very experienced teachers have spent years, sometimes decades doing this work (wiring their own minds for wellbeing). Because our mindfulness teachers have their own deep practice, you can be sure they will support the development of yours.

Free 20 minute consultation

You are likely reading this because you have heard how mindfulness can support wellbeing. Mindfulness has been shown to:

  • Support improved stress coping skills
  • Increase flexible attention and mental clarity
  • Enhance creative problem solving
  • Act as a protective factor against anxiety and depression
  • Enable better communication and relationships
  • Build empathy, compassion and kindness for others and ourselves
  • Provide support for substance mis-use
  • Boost the immune system
  • Reduce the effect of chronic pain

Some issues that bring people to the practice of mindfulness:

  • Difficulty coping with stress and reactivity
  • Desire to be more present and available to our lives and loved ones
  • Unhealthy patterns of thinking or acting that keep us stuck
  • Challenges with communication and in relationships
  • Lack of focus or clarity at work
  • Need for tools to develop greater wellbeing which can positively effect all areas of our lives


The simple practice of paying attention in the present moment has a profound potential to enhance our wellbeing and offer us greater ease in our lives. Awareness is essential in looking at what needs to change and actively making the course corrections that lead to greater wellbeing.

Free 20 minute consultation

Start or grow your mindfulness practice

Whether you are just starting or have a decades-long mindfulness practice, CMI’s instructors will  support the development of your mindfulness practice by:

  • Introducing the background, concepts and techniques that form a foundation for effective mindfulness practice
  • Offering a range of tools and techniques which will form the basis of your personalized practice
  • Developing a training strategy and framework to help provide structure and discipline according to your needs
  • Identifying obstacles to practice and working with/through them to develop and strengthen your “practice muscles”

How does individual mindfulness training work?

Work with an experienced mindfulness coach to understand mindfulness, develop a mindfulness toolbag, and take action to develop your practice. Some of the programs and practices that you may be introduced to, depending on your individual needs and interests, include:

  • A wide range of guided meditations including various breath awareness practices, mindfulness of thinking, awareness of hearing, etc.
  • Body-oriented awareness practices like body scans, mindfulness movement and walking meditation
  • Tools gleaned from the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn
  • Techniques derived from Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), an adaptation of MBSR for the treatment of depression
  • Powerful “heart practices” like Loving-kindness meditation (LKM) and compassion meditation that can help heal our relationship with self and others

Work closely with an experienced mindfulness practitioner

Individualized mindfulness training and coaching supports practice in ways other mindfulness support tools cannot. It is simply not possible to get a similar, personalized level of support from an app or video. CMI’s mindfulness instructors are:

  • Deeply experienced: our teachers have 20+ years practicing mindfulness
  • Highly trained: our instructors are certified by the UMass Center for Mindfulness, the gold standard mindfulness training organization
  • Broadly skilled: our coaches are licensed mental health counselors or social workers with the experience and capacity to meet difficulty and distress

Options and Pricing

20 Minute Consultation


50 Minute Private Session


Benefits of mindfulness include:

  • More skillful coping strategies for life, work and relationships
  • Reduced stress reactivity and improved emotional resilience
  • Decreased muscle tension and improved sleep
  • Enhanced immune system function
  • Reduction in distress associated with depression, anxiety and PTSD
  • Reduced risk of depression relapse
  • Lowered blood pressure and faster wound healing
  • Improvements in nutritional habits through mindful eating
  • Brain change associated with greater focus and problem solving
  • Greater resilience in the face of life’s inevitable ups and downs.

Your Teacher: Jonas Batt, MA, LMHC

Lead teacher Jonas Batt, MA, LMHC has been practicing and studying mindfulness for over 25 years, bringing decades of effort and understanding to his clients. He is passionate about the exploration of mindfulness’ transformative potential with those he works with.

Jonas’ initial introduction to the practice came in the context of his own struggles with chronic pain, anxiety, and depression. His first taste of this kind of awareness offered a previously unknown recognition of the power of the mind/body connection. He saw how the practice could transform understanding, enhance wellbeing, and offer greater freedom.

Within a few months of consistent practice exploration, the course of his life profoundly shifted: experiences in mindfulness and meditation supported a deep and powerful recognition of a desire to serve others and teach the skills that opened the door to more happiness and less stress in his own life. That profound shift marked the beginning of twenty years+ of intensive training, self-exploration, self-development and education to develop the skills required to offer mindfulness education at the highest level.

An app can’t replace an expert

For those learning how to practice mindfulness meditation, experts said you need personalized one-on-one instruction to make sure you’re on the right track. You can read about meditation and think “it’s really simple and easy to do. But I think what people don’t understand is that it’s really easy to do it incorrectly,” said Sara Lazar, an assistant professor in psychology at Harvard Medical School who studies the neuroscience of yoga and meditation. However, experts agreed that the right meditation app can be a terrific supplement to a real-life teacher you’re also working with, even remotely

– New York Times

CMI’s Difference

CMI maintains the highest standard of mindfulness training, experience and credentials for its staff. All of our teachers have practiced for 20 years or more. CMI also has extensive experience teaching mindfulness to various groups including veterans/PTSD survivors, workplace burnout sufferers, healthcare professionals and those working through grief, among others.


Your Training Destination: Madison Valley in Seattle, WA

2711 E Madison St, Seattle, WA 98112

Mindfulness therapy and training space located in Seattle’s Madison Valley neighborhood

Teleconference Mindfulness Training sessions available upon request

Access CMI coaching from your own space via Zoom appointment

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